Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cinco has arrived and my mom is 88

My daughter's baby Cinco has arrived and she beat me. My biggest was 9 pounds 1 and a half. Cinco was 9 pounds 7. Wow! I'll be going to help out on the fourteenth but it will be hard waiting to see him. But I had to wait seven months to see E who was born in Prague and she was worth the wait.

My mom's birthday is today so the baby missed it by one day. I'll be calling her today and hope to talk to GL about her new baby as well.

Migraine is into day number three so I'm not having a whole lot of fun here. The headache isn't that bad. It's just like having someone kick you softly on the back of the knee repeatedly instead of searing pain. Too distracting for words.

I have writers' critique group today which won't be a riot with a headache and then a meeting with a financial adviser. Some days are just more fun than others, I guess. But getting the news about the new baby and having my mom celebrate her eighty-eighth makes everything worthwhile.

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