Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Golden City of Prague

When my daughter, MF, was a very little girl, she was so proud of the fact that she could spell "Czechoslovakia." Now she's a big girl and there's no such country. But she lives in the Czech Republic now and is still a fabulous speller. We'll be going to visit her in a couple of days and it will be an emotional visit. As difficult as it has been having the grandchildren live so far away, it's been awesome to watch Michael's and my dream of working abroad come true for one of our children. And it's also pretty great to have free room and board in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Prague was the showplace and capital of the Hapsburg empire and was spared all bombing during WWII. Oddly, it has masterpieces of both Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture. One big surprise when we got there was all the sgraffito on the buildings. Here's one example.

I can't wait, that is, if I can get well enough to go. I've been on antibiotics for five days now and I'm hoping that they will take care of my cough. I'm ready for some happy times.

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