Friday, March 18, 2011

St Pat's

 St Pat's is a really big thing here in Northeast PA. Michael didn't know he was part of an ethnic group until he moved here. Irish people take their celebrations seriously and while we don't participate in the green beer and parade thing, we do enjoy the corned beef briskets and rye bread on sale in every supermarket. Last night we did have corned beef and cabbage and tonight it will be Reubens. So that makes the day after St Pat's better than the original day. I did succumb and make green cupcakes with green icing. After all those years with small children, the idea of having a holiday without using food coloring just bothered me.

I tried something new this holiday. I made a pennant (or bunting as the Brits call them). I also made them for the grandkids' houses. Their buntings were a little less fancy as I had some nice twill tape to use for theirs but ran out when I made the third one so had to use lace. This would probably be a bit frou frou for my girls, but I liked it. In the closeup, you can see that I used garage sale acquired fabric I had on hand and some vintage hankies. The hankie on the right is real Irish linen. I found a whole stack of them at an estate sale last year. They still had the original shamrock stickers on them. So we had a bit of Ireland in the dining room. If you look closely in the picture, I had on the lovely green sweater MF gave me for Christmas.

It's been a while since I posted to this blog so we have a new grandbaby girl to brag about in Utah. And we'll be having a new Texas grandbaby in September. Sweet!

And the snow is almost gone from the yard.

1 comment:

Georgia and David said...

Ours is still up and so festive and cute. Thanks! Also, I overheard the kids arguing this morning who was Irish and who was Mexican. At the moment they all want to be Irish because of St. Paddy's Day. Probaly the green food coloring talking. :)