Monday, February 28, 2011

Saturday Night Live

Saturday night was interesting, to say the least. First, the funeral. (Actually a memorial service, but for the organist, the gig is the same. Lots and lots of prelude and lots and lots of postlude.) When you're an organist, you play a lot of funerals for people you've never met. (I've never had to play a funeral for a person I was really close to and this is a very good thing. But it's pretty strange playing for someone you just don't know at all.) You can learn a lot about people from their funerals. Often, I leave the place feeling that I really did know this person after all. This man had such a large number of friends, mostly dressed in black. I got the distinct impression that they didn't change their normal everyday clothing for this funeral. Very nice folk who looked really sad. I take for granted how people in our church are generally happy.  I think several of these folks had had distinctly unhappy lives. It was nice to know that this man had evidently made their lives better.

After the funeral was over at 6:00, the Eagle Court of Honor came next. This was the first son of a large family of mostly boys. His dad, also an Eagle, presented the pin. It was a very touching experience and brought back floods of memories from my son's Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

Then Michael and I went out to dinner at a cute Italian restaurant. This valley is pretty odd. A huge majority of the restaurants are Italian. And you can't find a really good Mexican one to save you. In the front desk case there was a cookbook labeled "The Mafia Cookbook." That is something you just wouldn't do where Michael and I grew up. The place was packed and we had to talk pretty loud to hear each other, but that was a nice romantic event.

It was an emotion-filled Saturday night. The morning had not been all that good and I was glad that the day finished so beautifully. We've both been going through some tough times and that evening was a spiritual and emotional lift.

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