Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed in and snowed under

Um. It's been fun. Really. Snowed in....The snow here is stunning and Michael and I enjoyed four blissful days together here in Wilkes-Barre instead of in Manhattan to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. We weren't really that disappointed. We're postponing Manhattan for later in the season. We had a blast just doing what we wanted to do for days. We got up when we wanted, went where we wanted and ate where we wanted. I did a little business on my shop and he made a few phone calls, but basically we just took the time off to enjoy each other and to relax. Could have been a whole lot worse! We spent the actual day at church. It was ward conference. I had boiled shrimp the day before and on the actual day I made what Michael loves best--wedding cake. Not the new-fangled stuff with filling and weird ingredients like carrots, but the old-fangled white cake with white shortening icing. It came out fabulous.

Snowed under...I'm trying to get tax stuff together (yuck!), papers organized (bigger yuck!) and trying to get back into the writing routine (not yuck at all but very challenging.) So far this year I've submitted my Louisiana novel to a publisher, sent off an application to Simon and Schuster for contract work, submitted two story ideas to The Friend magazine and worked very hard for an idea for my next book. I have a couple we'll see how they work out.

All in all, it's been a pretty promising 2011 so far. I have tons of goals and I'll try hard to keep at them.

1 comment:

Georgia and David said...

Nice scarf:) It looks yummy!

I know that's icing, but at first glance it looks like you decorated the cake with Cap'n Crunch. I love wedding cake, too. And no one uses it anymore! There's nothing more disappointing than a beautiful white cake turning out to be something else.