Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Folks Up Here Are Wussy

Here are a few more photos from the Texas/Louisiana trip. Three of my kids made it to the party. I was so happy to have them all together. They reminded me that they are often all together. MF plays hostess at her house in Carrollton to her sibs. It's just the parents who are missing! And we do hate missing out.

But I'm glad they get together. How many groups of sibs do that? I'm so proud of all of them.

So why are folks up here wussy? Because they have such a beautiful climate, that's why. It rarely goes below zero around here and rarely goes above 90. Very temperate, right? But it means that they're basically spoiled. I spent a week in Louisiana and Texas where the daytime temps were in the 100s and it only cooled off in the nighttime to 85 or so. And I heard this many complaints about the weather---ZERO. No one said anything.

But tonight I covered a council meeting for the newspaper and of the five or so folks I talked to, three of them complained about the weather. It was in the low 80s with a nice cool breeze. For goodness sakes! What would folks in Texas and Louisiana do with that right now? They'd be doing cartwheels down the sidewalks.

I'm looking at my outside thermometer right now and it's 70 degrees at 10: 30 PM. Just absolutely gorgeous weather. But it's a bit humid and so folks up here are complaining like they're going to die. Not joking!

They really are nice people up here. But if they've lived here all their lives, they have absolutely no clue about weather.

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