Monday, June 14, 2010

The Boulevard Bistro

Michael was in charge of a project at work that required that he work twelve hour days and most weekends for months. The project? The Boulevard Bistro. He worked with architects, contractors, landlords, city officials, caterers, you name it, to put in a cafeteria for the employees at his work. It was grueling. The long hours mostly came from the fact that he had to stay late every day to supervise with the people actually building the space.

The result? I finally got to go on Friday. It is lovely. He did such a wonderful job. In the hallway on the way to the cafeteria there was a bulletin board honoring a few of the six hundred plus people at his facility who had gone the extra mile. He had been too busy to notice that he was on it. It was lovely to see him thanked for the project.

I sadly missed the grand opening (he actually got to use the big scissors to cut the ribbon). I was in Baton Rouge at my nephew's memorial service. I hated not being there. It was his big moment of glory for all that work he'd done.

But it is a wonderful thing that he did. The variety of food available is amazing. There's a couple of entrees, they can make you a hamburger or fries if you like, there's grinders (heroes, subs--whatever you call them where you live) and all kinds of cold cases with salads, fruit, snacks, and lots of things to drink. I noticed there were lots of healthy options. Also, desserts like big cookies, brownies and so on. I had a stuffed tomato tuna salad that the chef had dreamed up. He had put parmesan cheese and bacon bits on it. Delicious but probably not as healthy as the original. Michael had a Mongolian stir fry. I did see something I've not seen anywhere else. Maybe they're new and you've seen them. But they're giant Smarties. Looks just like a small roll of Smarties but the size of a Necco wafer roll. Amusing! And, of course, there's a big space with fridges and microwaves for the folks who bring their own lunches.

The photo? Random. I'm not allowed to take pictures inside Michael's facility so no photos of the Boulevard Bistro today. Instead, it's another Prague photo. There's a kind of covered arcade by the Charles bridge in Prague that has the ultimate tourist shops. Teeshirts, china images of the Infant Jesus of Prague, snow globes and these. This is the most pervasive reminder that the Russians ruled Prague. The matryoshka dolls are everywhere. Click on the photo for better details. Michael and MF are in the photo and I'm in there twice! Can you find us?

1 comment:

Georgia and David said...

Hmm, now I'm hungry! I need one of those in my house.