Saturday, October 25, 2008

More on voting

First, these pictures are random, but I don't have any voting pictures! The little girl is Gracie whom I got to keep two times a week for a month at the beginning of the semester. Pretty cute. The second is a pipe band at the Civil War encampment at Warrior Run. They were extremely good.

Back to voting. I did get my ballot and will be dropping it off in the mail. There were only six people or things to vote for on my Pennsylvania ballot and one of them was an uncontested candidate. It is true that I'd never voted for a state auditor before. So I had to figure out what that person does. But making choices was amazingly simple compared to Texas.

I looked at the Texas ballot from my old precinct. Twenty-three choices. Granted a few of them were uncontested but there were still a whole lot of choices to make. It's true that Texans have a lot more control over smaller decisions. But a lot of the choices are because judges are elected for short terms. A judge in PA is elected for a ten-year term. This means judges up here can worry more about doing their job than getting re-elected.

I'm not sure which system is best. But at least here in PA, I felt that I could make an informed choice on all the candidates. And no railroad commissioner to vote for! I also looked up my voter registration in Texas. If I had decided to visit my son instead of my daughter this coming week, I could have easily voted in two states as I am still registered in Texas. I realize I would have had to break federal law to do that and that that would be grossly immoral, but you have to wonder if that happens? College students who turned eighteen before they left high school might easily be registered in two places, their hometown and their college town. So could folks who are transferred often because of their jobs. I guess that it's just like any other part of a democracy. You have to depend on most people doing the right thing. I looked all over the Denton County election website to find a way to unregister myself and couldn't find out how to do it. Hm-m-m. Don't you think they should at least describe a way to unregister yourself when you move? I guess I have to write them a letter, but I seriously doubt many people do that.

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