Monday, May 25, 2009

Sorry blog fans!

I've never gone this long without a post. But I have been hustling pretty hard to get some projects going. I did make the Sunday paper here about an organizational meeting at the library. You can check an article on moi at the Times Leader. I hate the picture but it was really small in the paper! Good thing. The photographer came in with his strobe and then proceeded to set up another light glaring on my face and another on the piano to bounce back. Nobody who has seven grandchildren should have to stand up to light that harsh. I kept mentioning "natural light" but he didn't seem to think that was a good idea. I'm thinking that natural light and soft focus are necessary at this point. But the reporter did a great job without quoting me exactly. It's always scary agreeing to do an interview. But the library and I really wanted the publicity. Hope it works.

The weather here is ...searching for the right word...perfect...nope, too generic...beautiful...nope, too bland...idyllic...yep, that ought to do. Northeast Pennsylvania would be a good setting for a pastoral novel right now. The picture is of the Japanese quince which is no longer in bloom. The iris and rhododendrons are blooming now but I haven't grabbed photos of them yet. While I don't have as many iris as Monet, there are several varieties blooming all at the same time--the two-toned ones both lilac and purple and yellow and deep reddish-brown (burnt umber?), some gorgeous pale yellow ones and the regular purple ones with bright yellow tongues. They are down by the road and it's impossible to take care of them or weed them without being hit by a car. I'm hoping we can stop traffic or something and get them transplanted up to a safer spot after this season.

Our memorial day picnic for our church congregation was awesome. We had a wedding. Two of our newest members got married (see picture above). It was great. There was wedding cake and hot dogs. Best of both worlds.

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