Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Oh my goodness! What an interesting book! This is the fourth book in the vampire series by Stephenie Meyer. This young LDS woman has been creating quite a stir with her wildly popular books. I finished most of it yesterday as I was recouping after the visits. Laundry and book-reading were just what the doctor ordered. But the book took over my life pretty much. Unlike the last Harry Potter book which I read in almost one sitting, this one stalled from time to time and I took breaks. But it was exciting and as my daughter, GL, had told me, impossible to predict. I finished the last hundred pages at about two this morning when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

We went to yet another awesome ice cream place that my new dentist and his X-ray tech recommended. You gotta believe that the ice cream is really good if the dentist tells you to go there! It's called Curly Creme and was much richer than regular soft serve. Yesterday they were serving peach, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. The lines were long. It was pretty yummy. These people up here know how to do soft ice cream. They must be really frustrated if they move down South and find only vanilla. We are amused because this area must have the nation's highest per capita consumption of sprinkles. They love their ice cream cones dipped in sprinkles. They prefer the multicolored ones but also eat the chocolate ones. It's not just kids either. The adults walk away from the windows with sprinkle covered cones as often as the kids do. Isn't that great! I love seeing a big burly guy who looks like a linebacker walking around with a sprinkle-covered cone.

We saw a sadly truthful teeshirt at the ice cream place. It said, "Enjoy it now, because after college it's called alcoholism." I guess that's a universal problem in college towns. This one seems to be no different. There are local papers aimed at the college crowds here and it's all about the clubs and the bars.

I noticed one of the local colleges was advertising for adjunct professors (no French openings). I've been putting off sending out my resume. I can't decide whether or not I should do that. Plus, there is also the astonishing lack of piano teachers around here. I've had people beg me to consider teaching lessons again. I think I could pretty much ask whatever I wanted in the way of price and schedule and still find students. It's time for me to make some tough decisions about what I want to do while I'm up here in PA.

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