Thursday, August 7, 2008

Getting ready for family visit

Let's put it this way. I got up at 4:45 AM yesterday morning (because I couldn't sleep) and made a TO DO list of things I needed to accomplish before my daughter and her family and my son arrive. It ran to three pages and took an hour. This gives you an idea of the magnitude of things still needing attention in our new home. But I've been working my list down steadily ever since. Things are looking a lot better. The toy room is looking promising. The living room is uncluttered. Children's books have been borrowed from the library. I've done some online shopping for Christmas presents which the Prague family will want to take back with them. The kitchen and entryway storage closet are a lot more organized and I'll work on the master bedroom today. We have two new fans and are proud owners of a Slinky (which was invented in Pennsylvania and is now made in MI which is either Michigan or Minnesota. I'm thinking Michigan.) We always had a Slinky when we were kids but we never had stairs! I'm anxious to let it go down the front steps outside.

Off to clean floors, bathrooms, do laundry, truck things up and down stairs and locate more toys. There are a few toys and childrens' books I still haven't found yet.

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