Thursday, April 16, 2009

Year's wrapup--Saudade

Well, I did it. My daughter who's having a birthday today couldn't believe this is the first time I've highlighted my hair. But it's true. I'm pretty excited even though the change isn't drastic. Michael came home so late last night from work (11 P.M.) that he's not really seen it yet. I think he'll like it though.

I seem to be getting better. Slowly but surely I seem to be able to do the things I used to do without effort. Washing dishes is a whole lot easier now. So is doing laundry and simple cooking like making a salad. The physical therapy is obviously good but I think my own efforts at home to take care of my back are helping a lot too. And the power of grandchildren's prayers cannot be overestimated. I really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers offered up for me.

I've been too busy writing to blog so here's the year's wrap a few days late from our one year anniversary in the house.

Looking back I see that this move was one of the most difficult things Michael and I have ever had to do. It was easier because we are so sure we were led here. Whatever you believe in, fate, kismet or the hand of God, it was working here.

Leaving behind people we love was the hardest followed closely by the absolute disaster it was getting our earthly goods transported up here and one house sold and another bought. Family health problems requiring me to spend time in Utah and in Louisiana have been tough. So have my four months of being sick from one thing or another.

Once we got here (Michael in January and me in April) I really believe that we did our best to adjust. Michael's attitude about new church friends, new area, new house, new climate, new food, new everything has been very positive. I've tried to keep a smile on my face even when it was hard to do. I did not get through the two house sales without some bad temper days and I certainly wasn't wonderful in the decision-making process, but I'd like to believe that I've tried to find what's good and wonderful up here and to at least find amusement in what's been less than wonderful.

And I wouldn't be happy to move back to Texas right now. I have tons of stuff I want to do here before we move somewhere else to retire. The art museums alone are enough to make me start drooling. And there's Gettysburg and Fallingwater and Boston and Niagara Falls. I could go on and on. We're just not finished here. In fact, we've only just begun!

The Portuguese have a beautiful untranslatable word, "saudade." I've been listening to a lot of Brazilian and Portuguese music lately. I think it's because only the Portuguese understand this bittersweet, tender feeling for something far away and unattainable which you love and miss so much. I have so much "saudade" for people and places I miss. Some of it has not so much to do with the move, although it was way easier to get to the grandkids in Utah from Texas than it is here. And my Portuguese-speaking daughter believes that you can have "saudade" for Mexican food too.

Is Shavertown, Pennsylvania home? Yes and no. If you asked me where I'm from, I might or I might not say here. But when I've traveled to Texas or Louisiana or Utah, I am very glad to be back here in my own little house. This is the best place in the world for me right now.

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