Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Box

Notice anything different? Yes, the living room is a mess. If you look on the sofa you can see the wrapping paper from the big box.  And is that...Bill Cosby?...on the coffee table?

Yes! And look, there's more! Julie Andrews. George Gershwin with a fro. And Dave Brubeck (well, a girl's legs on a Dave Brubeck album.) And the reason for all this?

Voila! The Valentine's present. It has been years since we have had a working turntable. We had such a blast on Sunday opening up those LP boxes and finding records we had no memory of owning. You'd think we'd remember each and every one. But I think we bought a lot of vintage ones in latter years at Recycled Books and Records. Hence, the dim or non-existent recollection of these LPs.

We've been reading how vinyl sounds warmer and how the things are making a comeback. One of my kids even put an LP on their Christmas list this year. And, you know, it does sound grand. And there's that delicious moment of anticipation when you hear the needle hit the record before the music starts to play.

Michael had so enjoyed watching A Hard Day's Night from Netflix, that I felt it was time for him to revisit these old friends. It was a lovely Valentine's Day. Going to church on V-Day was actually fun. All the little girls dressed up in froofy red outfits. And, of course, the veal, spinach salad and dessert crepes I made helped. But honestly, it was the present that made the day.

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