Saturday, February 27, 2010

So here's my idea-- What do you think?

So first of all, the pictures have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with my blog today. The first is a guess what this is picture. The third is me on our anniversary trip to Philly. They had a cool display where you could just walk into Norman Rockwell paintings. The second is what you get for $1000. Yes, gentle readers, we paid one zero zero zero to get two trees pruned. They hauled away half the Norway maple in three big truckloads. I got a major migraine from the chainsaw massacre.

But enough about the joys of home ownership, I had a brilliant idea during all these snow days. Michael said that many of his employees would have been able to get to work but had to take sick days to take care of their school age children. I have mentioned that they call off school at the drop of an icicle here. I can't blame them. The country roads are fierce I am sure. But some days you have to wonder why they couldn't have just started a little late.

So here's my brilliant idea. (Probably stolen from the movie "Holiday Inn"). Why don't I start a neighborhood "snow school." The plan is that I only teach on snow days. The parents bring the kids here when school's closed and they have to go to work.  I teach them some creative writing, we do a few crafts, engage in a little kitchen chemistry by cooking up lunch and snacks and let them have P.E. in my wonderful back yard. And if the parents wanted the kids to do real homework, I am certified teacher after all. I might only  have to work five days a year. This year it would have been about ten, I think. I could also do teacher inservice days if they have them here. I would sign up the kids at the beginning of the year and make sure I had a manageable number and reasonable ages. It would be a long day with two first graders, a sixth grader and a senior in high school.

So what do you think? Would this fly?


Brad said...

Only if global warming doesn't eliminate snow days first.

I think you could find lots of parents willing to get rid of their kids for one more day during a storm.

Georgia and David said...

It's a fence covered in snow.

Susan said...

Almost, Georgia and David. It's our garden bench the day the snow blew sideways. It's snowing again today!