Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring is Here and a Happy Saint Patrick's Day to You!

So spring is officially here in Northeast Pa. How do I know? Are there leaves on the trees? No. Are there daffodils in my garden? No. Are there balmy breezes? No. It's 33 degrees. But I know it's spring. Why? The Dairy Queen is open. Yay! As I passed by after my writers' group last night, I saw a long line waiting for their first soft serve since last fall.

So who are these girls in this Saint Patrick's Day looking green place? Not Irish musicians.Check the instruments. Just good ole Southern girls who sing bluegrass right? Close. They sing awesome bluegrass in close harmony. But they're from New York. Which is almost as weird as salsa from New Jersey. But...

They're really good. They call themselves "Red Molly." Here's the link to their website: I was listening to the radio on my way home from my writers' group (I do lots of things on my way home from writers' group) and heard one of my least favorite shows. It's a "new music" show where they introduce new non-classical CDs. I am so amazingly out of step that I never, never, never like this new stuff they play. It's either dreary and depressing or just muy pobre musically. But these girls were good. The DJ played four songs from their new album "James" and I loved all of them. So check them out and let me know what you think. I'm thinking my grandson S will like it as James is one of his favorite names!

On today's list of things to do--trip to grocery store to buy the corned beef brisket for supper. I've already got the cabbage. A trip to the post office to mail MF's birthday box which will be even later than I thought (sorry sweetie--I really hoped to mail it yesterday and got stuck in a huge traffic jam after my eye exam). Work on my new exciting novel about time traveling twins which Michael has decided really starts on page fifteen which means that I now have exactly one page of it written. List some patterns as I had exactly zero sales yesterday. Query Highlights about a great article idea I had. Do loads and loads and loads of laundry. Teach a sewing class. Listen to Pandora's Celtic music station so that I can be in tune with my non-existent Celtic roots. But next year I celebrate St. David's Day. Around here they actually celebrate St. David's day for all us Welsh folk. Missed it this year but it's something to look forward to for next year. Maybe I'll make my Aunt Mame's Welsh cookies in honor of the day. Instead of a shamrock, you're supposed to wear a leek. Can't wait!

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