Saturday, February 7, 2009

5.3? What kind of temperature is that?

Two days ago I got excited because I thought the outside temp thermometer in my office read 53. It was actually 5.3 instead. Ha ha! But today Michael says it's supposed to get up into the fifties. So maybe I wasn't being too hopelessly optimistic. Maybe we can try out those hiking poles today!

I've decided that my writing career is going nowhere because I can't work in chaos. So for the past few days I've been cleaning out filing cabinets and trying to get the office in order. I also read the other day that said that you shouldn't go back to old projects and keep trying to sell them. The writer said to remember that your writing is better now than it was yesterday and that you've got better stuff in you yet to come. (Tell that to Joseph Heller.)

I am officially on a diet. Every woman I know has a magic number beyond which she will not go. I've hit mine plus two. So it's time to slim down and get in shape. I'll let you know how it goes. In any case, Michael is getting good food as I am cooking healthier meals.

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