Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday, V and new word for snow

V is three. We had a great chat with her this morning via Skype. At 6:15 AM here we can catch her right before her nap in Prague. So Grandpa Bond (Michael) got to be in on the call. We're only six hours earlier here. Being one hour closer than Texas actually makes a difference. It gives us a bigger window of time to talk to MF and family.

It's a myth that the Inuit people have many words for snow, but I gotta tell you. We could use a few up here. Sometimes it's like being in a snowglobe with lots of small flakes whirling around. And sometimes the snow is sleety or feathery. But there needs to be a new name for what came down yesterday. The snow was coming down in big fluffy clumps almost like small cotton balls. Since there was zero wind and because the snow was so light, it stuck to everything. My clothesline is about an inch tall. It's a shame that my yard is only used by a bunny, a squirrel and a cardinal. What a party a bunch of Denton kids could have in my yard today! Some of the kids in the neighborhood do go sledding and build snowmen. My favorite yard has a whole bunch of snow rabbits with plastic Easter egg eyes. Snow bunnies! Get it?

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