Monday, March 23, 2009

25 degrees!

I notice that it's snowing in Provo today and that it's going to be below freezing in Prague today as well. How did all us Texans end up in this kind of mess? It was 25 degrees when I left to go to Physical Therapy this morning at 9:30. There's nothing wrong with 25 per se but my brain knows it's March 23rd. The low for today is 14. Only by the grace of the weather gods are we not knee deep in snow right now. I can deal with an anomaly but it's been colder than average for days and days.

I saw this poor robin in my front yard as I was driving off to PT. You know how they fluff up their feathers to keep warm? Well, there he was, puffed up and miserable, standing by my front steps. He wasn't even attempting to look for food. I can relate.

I've tried to be a good sport about the weather here. But this is too much. Looks like March will be another 400 dollar natural gas bill. You see why these folks become snowbirds when they retire.


Morgan said...

Today we had snow, hail, rain, blue skies, and then all of it again. Seriously weird weather. This is the hardest time of year for me, waiting for spring to really come!

Georgia and David said...

ditto. We pulled out all the summer clothes last week and now we're back to winter again:( Happens every year and it still makes me crazy.