Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Facebook Friends

When I knew that I wasn't going to be the French teacher at Denton High School any more, I scanned in all the photos I could find in my classroom. Good times!

I have many mixed feelings looking at this photo. I'm really glad I got rid of that jacket for starters. For some reason, many members of this group have found me on Facebook. I have this labeled as the 1998-9 French Club at Denton High School. Some noticeable absences--my two children who should have been in the photo, one as a senior and one as a freshman. I was probably pretty ticked about that at the time. They probably didn't hear the announcement in whatever classroom they were in. Getting club photos done for the  yearbook was a zoo parade that I would never want to go back to. In fact, I don't see any of my 4APs at all. And that was the rowdiest and most memorable bunch I ever taught. But there are enough here to see why I loved teaching during those years. It got pretty grim at the end of my teaching career (mostly because of me), but 1998-9 was a glorious year when I had many talented students.

It's really nice that these young adults who are getting married, starting families and starting careers have let me be their friend. I love being able to keep in contact with them. I think this is probably one of the greatest perks of being a teacher.


Susan said...

I find from my students that this was 2000-2001 group. So GL's off the hook. Where was ZL?

Marli said...

ahhh.. bons temps ;)

Anonymous said...

I had German from 1993-1996 with at Ryan, and I'm still in touch with my teacher, Frau Fisher. I even visited her a few years back, when I was in the States for a visit. Don't think she's on facebook though!

Susan said...

Frau Fisher. What a lovely person! I remember how much the students loved her.