Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pas de Panique

This is what French people say. Pas de panique. No panic. But when your dad calls and says your mom has been taken to the hospital, you do panic. It's just natural. According to my brother Kevin, she is doing well now and evidently it was a case of medication interaction. Even though Dad made a special point to remind the doctor of all the meds Momma is taking, she still ended up with a med for a pain problem that made her really wonky and she fell. But no broken bones and they're keeping her in the hospital until the new meds have worn off. It's at times like this that I really hate being so far away. In Texas I could just jump into the happy car and be where my parents were in a few hours.

Sidenote: As I typed the word "it's" it reminded me that I am finding terrible errors all of a sudden in websites, newspapers and even magazines as eminent as Time. I found a whose/who's error in the local rag just this morning. Is it just me or is grammar completely out of control? Maybe somebody needs my services as a copy editor.


Janene said...

I'm afraid I'm afflicted with the same disease of noticing grammar errors. We're normal! Embrace it! Ha ha!

Susan said...

Maybe we need to start a Facebook group?