Friday, October 23, 2009

Couldn't resist

I know I should be blogging about all the wonderful family history stuff we discovered but I couldn't resist sharing these two. You'll have to click to enlarge both of them to get the full effect.

First picture: A large independent grocery store called the Sunshine Market went out of business recently. I really liked it but it was too far for me to go to shop. This is an ad for another local grocery chain called "Weis." If you can't read the ad, it says, "A Weis sunny welcome to our friends, old and new. Though Sunshine Market is closing...the sun's shining brightly at Weis." Ya think? Woo-hoo, another competitor out of business! I have no idea who thought up this tactless ad campaign, but I was appalled. Holy Schadenfreude! If you don't know the word "schadenfreude," it's an excellent one. It means "pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others."

Second picture: This one you must enlarge because it would spoil it to explain it. As I was taking pictures of the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Tamaqua, PA, I glanced over at a family crypt. Look carefully at the sign and the name on the crypt. It was just too good a photo to pass up. The family name was Hadesty, by the way.

Must run. I have lots of writing to catch up on. More important posts later, but you, like me, must need a laugh today.

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