Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Sweet Texas

The birthday party in Shreveport was wonderful. I'll be posting pictures when I get home. We got a great turnout and it was really fun to see all the cousins (two of my kids and all but one of the others) visiting together. My parents will be getting three new great grandkids next year so that was fun. One was announced to my parents on Dad's birthday. None of them will be mine which is also unusual. Keith will have two new ones and Kevin his first.

I'm in Texas now and it feels good to be home. On the way to and from DFW to Shreveport and back I don't think I drove on more than a few miles of dry pavement. On the way to Denton Sunday afternoon I counted six cars that had run off the road. There was so much water. I even saw a doe and her fawn wading up to their chests off the side of the Interstate. I don't think I've ever seen a deer on I-20.

I had a great visit with N and Z last night and today I eat lunch with my buds at Denton High. I hope to see a few more old friends while I'm here. There were no church meetings on Sunday since it was general conference so I missed out on an opportunity to see a whole lot of folk on Sunday. But it worked out. I really needed to stay and help mom get beds made and the house somewhat back in order after the big party.

Denton still feels like home, so does Louisiana. And when I get home to PA it will also feel like home. I guess that's a good thing. The more homes the better, right?

1 comment:

Georgia and David said...

Sad we missed it, but I'm glad it went well! That is pretty unusual that none of the new babies are yours, but you've been contributing a lot in the last few years ;)