Saturday, September 20, 2008


Facebook. I never considered using it until one of my daughters opened up a family group for us. So I had mostly family members as friends and it was pretty quiet. Then a few people found me and I found a few more and I've managed to make contact with a couple of dozen former students. Nice kids all of them. And they are all doing such exciting things and have gotten lots of education and as I predicted, are spread out over the planet. (So many parents told me their kids should not take French because Spanish was what they would need. I always pointed out that they probably wouldn't all stay in Texas! Hah!) I feel much less homesick when I think that I can keep in touch with friends and students this way. I sometimes feel a little elderly in that milieu but being a former teacher gives me some sort of credence. I'm kind of like the faculty members standing around at a high school reunion. I'm not part of the party but maybe some of the kids are glad to see me there.

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