Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Must blog

I really don't have a lot of time this week. I set myself a deadline to finish my novel and I'm not meeting it. (The deadline was today.)Unfortunately, a lot of bills, church work and plumbing have gotten in the way. But I did see something in the paper yesterday that I had to write about. I've mentioned the names up here and how wonderfully diverse they are. We have friends named Pitcavage. There are lots of -cavage or -avage endings around here. Believe it or not, this is Lithuanian for "son of" and is also written, ewicz, owicz or owitz. It's evidently an attempt to write phonetically how it sounds. So in the paper there was a society page and here are just a few of the names: Dushok, Konick, Pfriman, Shinko, Tanski, Schwenk, Dodroski, Kepics, Nestorick and my personal favorite, Zaclukashefski. Now if your name was Zaclukashefski, what would be the one name you wouldn't choose as a first name for your son? So, of course, the young man in the society photo is named Zack Zaclukashefski. Go fig.

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