Thursday, January 22, 2009

Apartment --part two

I've got lots more pictures folks. But I wanted to show the two big helpers. K and K were absolutely awesome. One brought all his kids to help out, the other brought the fiancee-decorator and his cordless drill. I can't tell you how much the twins and grandkids helped out with this move. I got to stay with Mom and Dad for the day and go shopping for bedding while they did all the moving and arranging. How's that for a deal?

I actually felt pretty good today and went to see Derrick, my coiffeur,and so I look pretty nice right now. I am feeling more and more human by the minute. And I absolutely don't feel the cold in my down jacket, boots and Thinsulate gloves. I also went to the bank. I hated to give up my Wells Fargo bank in Denton and now Wachovia and Wells Fargo have merged. Whoo-hoo! I had to go to Rite-Aid also. That's a pretty dirty word around here because Michael works for Caremark/CVS. But Rite-Aid has a GNC section and I needed riboflavin (vitamin B2). They didn't have it at CVS. My doctor says it will help space out my migraines. But I need to take megadoses. 400 mg a day! I looked it up on the Internet and indeed, that's the dosage they used in the study. I also found out that it will take at least two months to notice a difference.

It is very cold here. Snow was on the ground when I left and there was a lot more when I came back. It hasn't been over 32 degrees in days and days so it's all still there. My yard is crisscrossed with animal tracks. Deer, rabbits, and squirrels are all using my yard as a playland. The deer are only out in the wee hours of the morning, so I haven't seen them. There are bears around here but evidently not in my neighborhood. I'm very glad of that. As one of Michael's co-workers said, "I've never been part of the food chain before."


Unknown said...

Susan, I have been meaning to e-mail you, but the Christmas Card I kept has been lost in the "Bermuda Triangle" of my mail pile!
Please e-mail me at when you have time. I would love to catch up with you.
I have been enjoying your blog (great vicarious vacation for me!).
Hope to hear from you soon.
Robin May

Susan said...

Will do. Awesome to hear from you! I'm hoping to see you at the reunion this summer.