Friday, January 2, 2009

Just lost two and a half days

Lucky me. Migraine all day New Year's Eve, all day New Year's Day and half of today. I'm hoping that it's gone but I still feel a little lurking twinge in my left temple. I need to go buy groceries but am afraid to leave the house for fear it will come back. What with bronchitis for Christmas and headaches for the new year, I feel pretty cheated.

I've heard migraine described as punishment without sin. I have to admit that in the middle of one, you wonder what you did to deserve it. You also rack your brains for the trigger that started it so that you will never eat that food again or do whatever it was that caused it again.

Here's the biggest issue with moving to Pennsylvania so far--cold air is a migraine trigger. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. Here's my number one resolution for 2009--outgrow migraines.

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