Friday, January 23, 2009

Two very different homes

The picture of Dad in his new living room contrasts strongly with the view of N and T's house in Austin. You can just catch a glimpse of a quilt that N says will be a prize winner. It is gorgeous. Her house is so funky that she and T will have to do some repainting before they sell it. But luckily their realtor realizes that it's unique and so some things like the zebra wall under the kitchen counter will stay. Sweet! And another cute picture of my kids.

Today was warmer. Up to 40 degrees and so some of the snow melted. But it will be in the 20s and low 30s for the next ten days. Just a fluke, I guess. Today I made a 100 goals for 2009 and a list of 100 ideas for magazine story ideas. I feel a lot better about myself now. Last year was pretty unproductive. There's nothing like writing down goals to make things happen.

The best thing that happened today was that I got to talk to M in Prague. I love her so much and it's so cool to be able to talk to her for just pennies a minute via Skype. (Free even if we're talking computer to computer.) And V's birthday present arrived in time for her party so I'm glad about that too. Now if everything will just fit!

Well, I hear a little Miata with snow tires coming up the driveway so must go. It's 7:23 PM and I know he was up three times during the night answering calls. Let's hope he really gets Saturday off.

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