Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year's Resolutions!

Resolutions work. Too bad I haven't made any yet. But I'm getting there as fast as I can. When I get those resolutions made, I'll post them.

My plans for this week include flying to DFW on Friday, driving to Shreveport, spending the week with my folks helping them move. Mom and Dad come first on this trip. If I have time after they're well-settled in, I'll drive to Austin to see my redhead and then up to Denton to see my boy at the end of the trip. I'll be back in PA on Sunday the 18th. I'm planning to find time to eat Mexican food and to say y'all a lot.

So plans for the New Year, resolutions and all that cool stuff will have to be put off for a few weeks. But they're coming. I'm a total believer in them.

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