Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Signs of a bad economy

So the economy must be really bad. The other day as I was checking out of the grocery store, the cashier handed me the usual long stream of paper with coupons, etc. She said, "There's ten dollars there for you for your next visit." Sure. It was just some weird coupon, right? Wrong! It was ten dollars and it spent just fine yesterday. I got dinner and some treats for free. Yesterday I went to the mall (because of feeling bad I hadn't done any shopping before or after Christmas) and felt stupid because all the big coupons and sales were on the weekend, not on Monday. I also realized that I didn't haggle. Evidently, bartering for a better deal is okay everywhere nowadays, even at retail stores. I mentioned the fact that I'd missed the coupons on the weekend to the clerk at Macy's and she said, "That's okay." She handed me a ten dollar card. Then at Christopher and Banks, as I was checking out the clerk gave me a twenty dollar card. Does anyone else want to give me money? (And no, I didn't spend a fortune at either store.)

So I'll be going back to the mall today to spend the 30 dollars in free money they gave me yesterday. (I would wait, but I'm going out of town, right?) BTW, I bought some awesomely cute clothes. I'm wafted right back to the 70s and I bought a lot of my favorite color to wear, owange as V would say.

Are things as crazy where you are, or is it just Wilkes-Barre?

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