Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuba groupies

My daughter MF will remember the trip we made to the nursing home this summer to hear my sweetie play a concert there. Well, he returned there for another concert and all the lovely white-haired ladies greeted him by name. He couldn't understand it. They didn't seem to know the names of the other members of the band. The only conclusion he can reach is that he's got groupies! He's pretty sure he was remembered because of the cute grandkids he brought with him. Or maybe it's because you can't miss that giant horn he plays. In any case, they know him there. How cool is that!

I have gotten a few sweet notes from the buyers of my patterns, telling me what their plans are for the pattern. One is making art with it, another is making bassinette covers for a home for teen moms. Amazing! I'm not going to get rich selling patterns, but I am having an enormous amount of fun. (And a little income.) Plus, it's nice to have a place to plug my daughters' shops.

My mother, bless her, found it difficult to go Christmas shopping unless the weather was at least a little Christmas-y. The first rainy, cold day and she was out shopping with the best of them. Some years with lovely weather we wondered if we'd get any presents at all. She would find my new home a shopper's paradise. We've had two nice snows and will get more this week. Very, very festive. And when you drive down the road and see all the Christmas lights shining on the snow, it's a real live Christmas card.

The photos are views out my window of the first big snow which was last week. Isn't the little living Christmas tree cute? Michael's always wanted one.

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