Monday, April 28, 2008

April Showers

"Though April showers may come your way" pretty much sums up today. Each day I try concentrating on just one room. I told Michael last night that I couldn't see any progress. But he can. He goes away and then comes back to fewer boxes. It's rawther frustrating to quote Heloise. Today I started putting Christmas stuff in an enormous closet upstairs in the attic. It disappears like magic. I discovered random things today--a navy blue dress shoe put in the red checked box with the electric hair clippers, for example. I also found all Michael's socks. He's been using the same four or so pair for weeks and weeks now. They were under some rather unimportant stuff from my chest of drawers.

The pictures are of the master bedroom and the itty bitty office. The master bedroom looks much more organized than it is. Can you tell the mattress is on the floor because the box springs wouldn't make the corner up the staircase? I put sheets on it today. I don't know if we'll sleep on it or continue to sleep on the bunks. The office is tiny but it should be sufficient and it has three windows which bring in a lot of light and quite nice views of our neighborhood and yard. The sugar maple in the fall should be stunning.

Today I got to get to know the Relief Society president (our church women's group) better. Too bad she's moving to Utah in a few weeks. She's from Samoa and blogs for a group called the "More Good Organization." Seems like a nice site. She called because I am helping provide food for a missionary meeting. I have a lot of compassion for these Pennsylvania missionaries. I know how rough it was for my son here. Lots of slammed doors. But he loved it here and I can see why. It's a beautiful place and the nice people are very nice indeed. It will be great when he comes to visit.

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