Thursday, April 10, 2008

Settling down to closing

We're closing tomorrow. Seems impossible after all the waiting. But tomorrow we'll cease to be homeless. I am having trouble remembering that it's called "settlement" here, not closing. So we're settling at 2:30 tomorrow.

I finally made it to the driver's license bureau on a beautiful top-down day. Here is the list of documents you must provide in order to transfer your license from another state:

Driver's license (duh)

Completed DL-108R form sections A,B,C and D

Original social security card (No letters accepted)

Two proofs of residency. Acceptable proofs:

Current utility bills

Lease agreements

Mortgage documents


Current weapons permit (!! They'll give you one of those before they give you a driver's license?)

One additional form of identification (original documents):

State Issued birth certifcate with raised seal

Certificate of US citizenship

Certificate of Naturalization

Valid US passport

They don't want much, do they? And they don't take cash, only checks and money orders! I'll need a briefcase to carry it all!

I'm guessing that this has to do with the age of the bureaucracy. After all, the government in Pennsylvania is almost two centuries older than the one in Texas. That's a lot of time to create more red tape.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

That's so funny. Czech procedures are crazy and I always think of them in comparison to how things work in the US, but maybe it's just in TX! PA is another world altogether. Is it possible that you really need a SS card AND a passport? You need the one to get the other.