Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Not a good day

Today was not a good day. Migraine and nausea. Do you know how bad television is these days? I can't believe it. I wasn't feeling good so stupid tv was in order but the channels available here at the hotel are awful. They have about twenty and none of them are any good. It explains a lot about some (not all) of the high school students I've been teaching in recent years. If this is what they've been watching, no wonder they're foul-mouthed, amoral, inured to violence and apathetic.

The big news today was the beating of one Texas girl by a bunch of girls who filmed it for YouTube. I'll never forget my darling student who was so beautiful and so popular (Miss Denton High School, even) who ran into my first period classroom one day splattered with blood. She told me she had to go back home to get more clothes. Seems a fight had started in the front of the school and a group gathered around to watch. She couldn't stand there and watch these guys hurt each other so she just jumped in and separated them and got some blood on her in the process. Go her! Like Harry Potter, she had moral fiber.

They want to move up our closing to Friday. That means a few more days in the house with no furniture, dishes or towels. (Actually we have one towel. Michael bought one for his apartment in Scranton. Maybe he will share.) Either that or we pay a hotel ourselves. Hey, I'm flexible right? I have a car so I can go hang out at the library or the church house or the mall. Can't believe how difficult this move has been. At this point it's laughable. But I'm not about to ask what more could go wrong because they haven't moved our furniture into the house yet. Luckily, they are highly motivated monetarily to avoid any claims for broken stuff. I'm hoping at least that part will go as well as it did in Denton. We were so pleased with the movers at that end. I want that last part of the move to go really well so I'm not going to let myself get upset by the weirdness in between.

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