Saturday, April 5, 2008

No mail

Okay, the mail is lost. I've been checking and checking the mailbox on Center St. and I've finally realized that they're just not forwarding it to the new address. So now what? I've already stopped into the Shavertown post office to buy stamps and the postal employee (could she be the postmistress?) was surly at best. I can't wait to tell her she's lost all my mail. Maybe some of my readers will remember that this happened when we moved to the house on Ridgecrest Circle and that a big bundle of mail turned up months after we moved in. Swell! And people were ticked that we missed their weddings! To say nothing of random bills that might be lurking in all that missing mail.

We did peek in the window of the house while we were checking the nonexistent mail and could see that the new kitchen floor we picked out is down. Nice vinyl tile which looks like marble. We had no idea such a thing existed. (Don't know what planet we've been living on.) It's great. Not only does it look like tile or stone, but it's not cold like the real thing. Nor does it shatter if you drop a can of green beans on it. We chose the marble looking tile rather than the tile looking tile because it didn't need grout to look good. Less places for spinach to hide.

Happily, the happy car is back. It was a pinhole leak in a hose which is such a good thing. Only cost 85.00 to have it fixed. Michael explains that they had to take the airbox out to get to the hose. Otherwise I would question why a hose replacement would cost that much.

We now find out that the moving company up here can't get our stuff out of storage and move us in on the day after we close on the 14th. So we'll be sleeping on the floor for four days after we close (or we'll have to pay our own way at the hotel here.) Michael's not worried. He has an air mattress! He has offered to buy me one too which is awfully sweet.

Lucky I'm so calm and laid back. Otherwise I'd be upset about just one more setback.

We were happy to hear that a good friend of ours has been called as an area seventy of our church. He'll make a great church leader. But his wife's life will be as disrupted a lot. She'll be traveling almost every weekend with him. And she's a lovely person who really enjoys being home and close to her family. So if I think about whining, I'll just remember Jenny and how gracious she'll be about the whole thing.

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