Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thanksgiving in December

Today I am cooking the Thanksgiving dinner I didn't get to cook in November because I stayed in Shreveport longer than expected. Michael's company gave everyone a turkey and, of course, gave it on the one day warm day all month when it would thaw. Every other day this month you could have thrown it in your car and not worried about it. So instead of refreezing it I let it thaw in the fridge. Today's the day it's ready to cook. We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our church family, but the cornbread dressing, five cup salad and pumpkin pie were really missed. The menu for today: Turkey, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, five cup salad and pumpkin pie. Some kind of green vegetable but skipping the Brussels sprouts as we had plenty of those in November. I might even make Marjo's rolls if I really get obsessed. Seems kinda silly to cook for just the two of us but we'll have lots of leftovers I can freeze and use next week at Christmastime. Plus, I bought a big ham. We should be set even if snowed in. We realized last night that this will be the very first Christmas with just the two of us. That's in 37 years (38 if you count the one when we were engaged), mind you. I've uber-Christmased this year with lots of holiday movies, Christmas music, decorations, cooking and writing cards just to compensate for the total lack of family. Stay tuned for tomorrow's topic: new peanut butter fudge recipe that's to die for.


Georgia and David said...

Yummmm! Wish I were there:(

Susan said...

I wish you were here too. I'd love to be feeding eight instead of two!