Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanks for the memories

One advantage of getting older is having a lot more memories than the young. You may not know who these folks are, but I remember them all well and in 2008 we had to say goodbye. I'd like to say thank you to the following folks who lived long upon the earth and who made it a better place. You made me laugh or cry or raised my hopes and dreams:
Thanks to:
Michael Crichton for bringing dinosaurs to life
Tony Hillerman for introducing us to the Navaho world
Edie Adams for creating some of the silliest TV and movies ever
Bill Melendez for the Peanuts Christmas special
Phil Hill for being a hero to my Michael
Louis Teicher for thrilling piano music
Jo Stafford for Louisiana songs
George Carlin for weather reports
Sydney Pollack for the way we were
Dick Martin for the Farkle family
Kermit Love for designing Big Bird
Tasha Tudor for making precious books that my children loved
Cyd Charisse for other-worldly dancing
Bo Diddley for the beat
Yves St. Laurent for making women look beautiful
Mel Ferrer for making Toulouse Lautrec live
Suzanne Pleshette for believably putting up with Bob Newhart
John Stewart for one third of the Kingston Trio's music
Paul Scofield for brilliant acting
Aime Cesaire for creating poetry that lifted a whole continent
Paul Newman for lots and lots of reasons
Edmund Hillary for redefining what mankind can achieve.

Old acquaintance isn't forgotten.

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