Friday, May 23, 2008

Domino efffect

Finding the cookbook was great. This sloppy page has the perfect piecrust recipe and the much-tweaked recipe for pumpkin pie that I use. (The pie is made from rhubarb from our garden.) I got so excited about finding the missing book that I cleaned it up, re-organized it and put all the recipes in plastic page protectors. It certainly wasn't a top priority project (or one that required higher level thinking skills) and I had lots of other things to do. But as I was doing it, I realized with excitement that I was taking a step forward in organizing my life instead of just trying to undo the giant backward steps we'd taken in the last six months or so. It felt good.

This little project of putting pages in plastic covers created a domino effect. Suddenly, making progress in other areas seemed possible as well. I had lost all momentum in my writing career due to some serious setbacks but I've started the ball rolling again. I sent out two query letters via email yesterday. It only took a few minutes and then I was back to unpacking boxes. Today I've heard back from one of the editors and I have an article assignment. Small steps for sure, but in the right direction. Excelsior!

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