Sunday, May 18, 2008

Liberty Bell

Very much like Venus de Milo, it's hard to appreciate the Liberty Bell when you are being bumped by other tourists and while you are waiting your turn for a crummy picture with a lot of people in the background. The difference is that almost all the tourists in front of the Liberty Bell are American whereas you get bumped by people from all around the world in front of Venus. But even so, you do get a special feeling just being there in its presence. They have cast a replica of the wonderful inscription from Leviticus about proclaiming liberty throughout the land and you can run your hand over it. That was very cool.

It's exciting to be here in Pennsylvania with all this wonderful stuff so close to us. It only took us two hours to get from our door to the Liberty Bell. And there are cool things to see within easy driving distance all around us.

It wasn't exactly thrilling to be living on a mountain today however. It's not gotten over 55 degrees all day and we've only had brief moments of sunshine. Brr-r-r. That's pretty cold for the second half of May in my opinion. We've had the heat on every day this week. And the chorister didn't show up for sacrament meeting today. I didn't know quite what to do so just started the hymn after the introduction and that was the WRONG thing to do. This congregation actually follows a conductor. Nothing like being embarrassed in front of hundreds of people. Michael said that everyone figured it was someone else's fault, but I still felt and probably looked stupid.

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