Saturday, May 31, 2008


It's a beautiful day in Provo today. Glorious spring weather even though C wants it to be summer since she's out of school. Her mommy finally conceded that it was summer for her since her classes were over.

On the home front, I don't think things have been going very well and that Michael has had a really rough work week. I feel like I deserted him. My son also had a need this week and it was frustrating how little I could do to help him. But it's nice to be needed in several places. Being a schoolteacher means that someone always needs you for something. But now I have days when no one is in desperate need of my services. It's really lucky for me how amazingly self-sufficient all my children and my husband are.

It's at this time in my life that I best understand the phrase "Feast or famine." As I watch my daughter with her four little ones, I remember those days when just eating an uninterrupted peanut butter sandwich by myself would have been a great and glorious event. Now my challenge is to find an appropriate use for all the available free time I have. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I adore the luxury of choosing when I eat, do laundry, clean or sit down at the computer to write. But I need to remind myself more often what a fantastic privilege it is.

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