Monday, May 5, 2008

My hair hates Pennsylvania

Here's what's going on. The cookies are the first effort at baking in the new house. Even though the oven is really, really small, it bakes evenly. We priced wall ovens to replace it with something bigger. Forget that! I had no idea how expensive they were. Free-standing stoves are so much cheaper. I don't know what I'll do with my beautiful Calphalon cookie sheets that my son gave me. (Put them in storage for the next house I guess.) I realized that I had no vanilla to put in the cookies and it was Sunday so I couldn't go shopping. The cookies were nice and crispy but a little bland. I hope ZL is using the two (not one but two) big bottles of Mexican vanilla he inherited when I left Denton. I almost cried at what I had to spend for two ounces of vanilla today.

Michael is in front of our rigged up stereo. We haven't had a chance to connect it properly so we have wires coming out of the front of the tv and everything is sitting on cardboard boxes. How long do you think it will take for us to get it set up properly?

The next picture is the view out of my kitchen window. I know it's a bad picture but it's a cool view. You can see our rock garden, the hedge (they say it's burning bush which means it will be brilliant red in the fall), the neighbor's dogwood, the enormous hemlocks across the street and the mountains in the background. This is an amazingly beautiful place.

The last picture is evidence that my hair hates Pennsylvania. I have no idea what to do. It's not straight and it's not curly either. It just sticks out in all directions. In Denton, even if it looked awful after I blowdried it, a night's sleeping on it would solve most problems since it has always had body and a natural wave. (Hair with a permanent wave, ha ha!) But now it's more like broomstraw. And it's not just the shampoo or the way I'm doing it. It's been this way for weeks even when I was in the hotel and had plenty of time to work on it. Woe is me.


Georgia and David said...

I just used the last of my huge vanilla. I also cried at the tiny amount of vanilla I had to buy for such a large price.

Your hair doesn't look bad in the photo... Maybe you need to change hair products to accommodate the new climate you're in. I had to change skin products when I moved here.

Susan said...

I'll be experimenting. I know that the haircut is all wrong for here. There's evidently a miracle hairdresser that all the ladies that Michael works with rave about. So he's going to find out his name.