Friday, May 30, 2008

Haven't opened a box in days

When I mentioned to my daughter that I haven't opened a moving box in days, she offered me one of hers to open. I know how that goes. There were a few boxes at Ridgecrest Circle that hadn't been opened since moving from our previous address. One would think that if we hadn't used the stuff in the boxes in twelve years, that we could just pitch the boxes unopened at the dump. But no, I opened them, sealed them shut again and transported them up to PA. I wish I understood this pathological need to keep souvenirs, letters, postcards, concert programs, etc. I can justify family wedding and birth announcements. I put them in the genealogy box. And I think everyone understands love letters too. They are really hard to get rid of. I found a card from Michael the other day that judging from the artwork on the card, came from the 70s. It was very much worth saving.

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