Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stood up

We were trying to get rid of the fridge and thought we had a buyer but she stood us up today. And we even got stood up by the person who was going to pick up our box springs which we were giving away! It was my first experience with Craigslist and I hope it works out better soon.

We were listening to A Prairie Home Companion today and Garrison Keillor explained a mystery. He mentioned fiddleheads and something rang a bell in my head. We had this disgusting looking plant coming up by the back door. We kept waiting for it to do something nice like make flowers but it just kept getting taller and taller and it had these curled up leaves with an ugly brown covering. I thought it might be a fern but couldn't figure out why Mr. Chadwick would have planted such an ugly plant. We were going to apply a corollary of the "Tyler" rule which is "If you're mean, we eat you." We were going to change it to, "If you're ugly, we pull you up." Come to find out, they're something you can eat! They're fiddlehead ferns and after reading up on them on Wikipedia, I'm not willing to experiment on my own. Too scary like mushrooms. But in Maine and in other parts of New England they're a delicacy and quite expensive. Who knew? I think I'll stick to the rhubarb.

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