Monday, June 2, 2008


One of the things I like best about visiting Utah is that my Utah children are so up-to-date and cool. We watched the most amazing video the other night. It's called The King of Kong or A Fistful of Quarters. It's a documentary about people who set world records on old-style video games, the big stand-alone machines like Pac-Man. It's a must-see. I thought it was going to be just hilarious but it is also very poignant. The documentary makers were brilliant! Today I fly back and my Pennsylvania life resumes. I have an article to write for an ezine called Writing for Dollar$, I just got the okay from a Mom to write a story for The Friend magazine and I have a way overdue article to send to a travel site. It's exciting to get back to the writing. But when I leave here there will be the inevitable tears. It's always so hard to leave.

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