Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sevensup --no peanuts

Sometimes things don't work out the way you want. When N flew with me to Shreveport when she was a tiny thing, her Gramma asked her about her flight. Her answer was "Sevensup, no peanuts." I'm afraid this trip to Louisiana falls in that category. Dad is in the hospital having tests run and so none of the three of us, Dad, Mom or me, made it to my niece's wedding yesterday. Thankfully, N had already planned to come and was there to represent our family. She drove up to Shreveport after the wedding reception and Mom and I had a lovely visit with her late last night. My brother and his boy will drop by the hospital today so I'll get to see them there. Dad is feeling well and I feel that he is in very good hands. The Seven-Up this trip was being able to spend a lot of special time with Dad yesterday in waiting rooms. The "no peanuts" was the very obvious lack of wedding in this trip planned especially for that.

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