Sunday, June 15, 2008

Annoying neighbors

The pictures are of Michael enjoying one of his Father's Day calls. At this point he is talking to Georgia. He's had a really great day. Morgan called by Skype and little Vivian kept popping up out of bed during the call.

They do Father's Day up big in our ward here. The fathers got bags of candy and if you had a Primary child you got a crown. One class made ties for their dads (I'm guessing the girls at Achievement Days) and you had to hand it to the dads for wearing ties with ruffles, sequins, and other frou frou girly stuff.

The annoying neighbors? Last night a car horn kept sounding. It was okay for a while but then it got annoying. I wondered why they didn't do something about it. Come to find out, it was Michael's horn. His has a different note than mine so I didn't recognize it. It must have shorted out in all the rain we had yesterday. We have seen the enemy and he is us. So Michael cut the wire to the horn and all was well.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Woohoo! Denney cars strike again.