Thursday, June 5, 2008

Amazing Everill

Everill, the former owner of our house, was nothing short of amazing. He has planted bulbs and shrubs so that the yard has stayed in flower for weeks and weeks. My neighbor tells me that this will continue through the fall mums. Right now the iris are blooming as are the poppies. There are so many iris by the street that it looks like Monet's garden down there.

Today's pix are of J, G's two-year-old. He totally surprised everyone the other day by being able to pick out all the letters I asked him about in the newspaper I was looking at. G tested him later and he was able not only to pick them out but to name them as she pointed them out. She didn't teach him so that means he picked it up from one of the games the kids play on their computer. He and the dog, Bella, roughhouse harder than any two I've seen. And they both love it. At one point, he and the dog had played so hard that it looked like J had a beard because of all the dog hair stuck to his chin. He's a pixie and very delightful to be around.


Georgia and David said...

He's pretty darn cute, too. Hmm, I see a pattern here.

Susan said...

Ya think? Wait till you see today's photos.