Friday, June 20, 2008

Who's dilatory?

Today I finally had the movers come do "debris pickup" which is included as part of our relo package. This means that they come get all the boxes and paper. There wasn't as much as you would think since a family in our ward had taken enough boxes to move their whole family of five. Even so, the mover guy seemed impressed by how many boxes he had to move. Oh well! We have a lot of stuff.

So the basement is pretty cleared out and I'm working on the office today. I just about got the living room the way I wanted it yesterday.

The photo today is one I took with Michael's little Olympus on a trip to Salt Lake City. (The Olympus is his and I have used it almost exclusively. The Nikon is ostensibly mine but when we're together, it's Michael who uses it. Go fig.) This is the ceiling of the Joseph Smith Memorial building. Pretty neat if you ask me.

I highly recommend getting an email subscription to the word of the day from Even though I think I know a lot of the words, it's good to review and to get real details on the meaning and see them used in sentences. I learned a new word a few days ago--"dilatory." This applies to a person who procrastinates, i.e., moi. I've been putting off using it on my blog. Hah! So here's to the dilatory out there. You know who you are.

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