Monday, June 30, 2008

Still waiting

My dad is still in the hospital and there's a procedure scheduled for tomorrow. He is feeling so well, it's hard to believe he's having problems. He is also being extremely patient (and yes, for those of you who know him, I am not making that up.) I'm here to make sure that Mom gets rest and has moral support, I think. I now fly out on Thursday instead of Tuesday and will still be able to make the wedding in Virginia. The schedule will just be a lot tighter.

So many days in your life you can predict a lot of things that will happen. But for the past few days, I've been living in the land of complete unpredictability. And also, I've been not in control of what's happening. Neither have Mom and Dad. This will eventually make you crazy. Off to do laundry because I only brought a carry on bag and didn't expect to stay this long!

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